In this series of interviews, we report the experiences and opinions of those who have made a profession out of cannabis.
Growers, breeders, biologists, marketing experts, budtenders, sales representatives, and other industry professionals explain how they started their careers, the challenges they faced, and how they trained to get where they are.
Let’s find out what they think about the current and future situation of the cannabis sector and finally ask for some useful advice for those who want to become a cannabis professional.
Interview #1: Kushka
For this first interview we have chosen a woman, a great professional in the sector, who has created a brilliant career from her passion for plants.
Calls herself Kushka, she is 37 years old and lives in Barcelona, where she was born. For some years he has been working with the Cali Terpenes team as Head of Content and Translation of the website.
When and how did you start working in the industry?
I started my career in the sector about 12 years ago when I was collaborating with some Cannabis Clubs in Barcelona. This led me to discover more about the plant and accumulate knowledge.
I am a journalist by profession and a few years later, I had the opportunity to work in the communication department of “Dinafem Seeds”, it was then that I specialized in communication and marketing for companies in the cannabis industry.
Did you find any difficulties entering the field?
No, it was actually the “destiny”.
I really fought for many years to carve out a place in the competitive mass media world, I was very tired of the precarious conditions of journalism and the lack of job opportunities in Spain.
I entered the cannabis industry by accident and everything went smoothly, very easily, exactly the opposite of what I was experiencing, that’s why I said to myself, why not?
What are the 3 things you like most about your job?
Creative freedom, ethics of the companies I’ve worked for and job stability.
How did you train to get to this point?
I graduated in journalism and everything I know about cannabis I learned by myself or by working for companies in the sector.
What does working as a communication and content manager mean to you?
I think I have a certain responsibility to provide quality information, based on proven information. There is a lot of misinformation about cannabis, a problem that is given by the context of historical illegality, and which has given rise to two currents of information that are not very objective.
On the one hand, prohibition has been responsible for the stigmatization and demonization of cannabis by offering a partial view of the plant and the consequences of its use.
On the other hand, the cannabis culture has exaggerated, at times, presenting it as a completely harmless substance that can cure everything.
I think the time has come to face cannabis, with real information that helps reduce the risks and help explain the benefits and properties of this ancient plant.
Who do you have to thank?
To the great team of professionals from Cali Terpenes, with whom I work today, who have trusted me, with whom I continue to learn every day and who make me feel part of a big family.
But also to the people who gave me my first opportunity in the sector at Dinafem, with whom I worked for 5 years (a period I remember very fondly), to whom I owe a large part of my experience and training as an industry communication expert cannabis.
With them I learned a lot, I trained and specialized in the sector and I was able to accumulate experience and knowledge that allowed me to continue with my career within the sector.
I feel very lucky for the work environment in which I have worked and the human quality of the people I have come across along this path.
In your opinion, what is currently the biggest challenge in the industry?
The biggest challenge for companies in the sector is to catch up in terms of marketing, communication and advertising to be up to the new legal market where competition will be fierce.
We are about to see many legislative changes in various countries in Europe and Latin America and this will completely change the rules of the game.
How do you see the European cannabis sector in 10 years?
The European sector is the new “Blue Ocean” for companies in the sector, in ten years it will be equal to the American market today, or even more.
Where do you see yourself professionally in 10 years?
The truth is that it is very difficult for me to go so far in time in recent years if I have learned anything in my professional career it is to expect the unexpected.
What advice would you give to those who want to enter this sector?
Keep your feet on the ground and not romanticize the idea of working in the cannabis industry too much. I think that to dedicate yourself to this sector, above all, you need to train and offer professionalism.
We thank Kuskha for making us available for this interview and we recommend that you follow her on Instagram (@_kushka) to keep up to date with her very interesting news posts on the world of cannabis.
This is the first in a series of interviews with industry professionals, stay updated so you don’t miss their advice and experiences. See you soon.